Those who want to enhance their business card design with an eye-catching look can do so with affordability, versatility and impact using Spot UV business cards.

What is Spot UV?

Contrary to popular belief, Spot UV (also known as Spot Gloss or Spot Varnish) printing is not actually a printing technique at all, but rather a method for coating printed products. While it may sound complex, it is a relatively simple process. The “UV” portions involve using UV light for curing a varnish placed on the printed material.

Though printers can utilize this approach on white paper or card stock, it’s most noticeable on colour-printed products to enhance product shine, protect its colour, and keep moisture and damage out in order to preserve the product.

With different techniques, printers can create different results. It works best with heavier card stock and commonly used with thicker, 16pt premium stock (Silk laminated and Suede laminated) business cards.

Fun Fact: due to its lack of volatility, it’s known for being environmentally friendly. This means that little or no varnish becomes a gas that escapes into the open air. We are also making the switch to soy based inks

The word “spot” refers to the ability to apply this technique to only parts of the card. Yes, that means you can choose where to draw emphasis to and create eye-catching designs. With that in mind, we can’t wait to see your creativity flow!

As always, you can contact us with any questions. We can walk you through the process of setting up your mask files. In the meanwhile, we’ll be preparing a blog post that will guide you on How to Set Up a Spot UV Mask File!

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